quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2015


   We always need to investigate these situations, because of the consequences of their acts, after all there is possibility of sex offenders, results in an omen that is, ability to commit terrible crimes, pedophilia becomes only a crime, among many others that are practiced, they are able to do terrible pitfalls are kidnapping, rape, false imprisonment, terrible murders, it is important that the main victims are always children;The fact is most intriguing in this case specifically, it says that there was reaction to to arrest him and deport him, however, urges us to a reasoning on the fact itself this individual managed to enter Brazil, is because even having committed sexual crimes, and has also been convicted in court for the crimes committed, he managed to keep the right to have a passport, or filed the forged document, because nothing justifies the right to have, managed to obtain a visa to enter Brazil, but there is absence of specific legislation, to allow the entry of foreign criminals in the country at random, even if they are for common or heinous crimes, the Brazilian citizens in these conditions, are exposed to both Brazilian and foreign criminals.The text emphasizes that there are several countries that do not allow the entry of persons convicted of sex crimes in these countries an excellent attitude to curb the practice of these facts in these places, is a tendency to protect the entire society, the possibility of being victims of the unknown that is their behavior, an intelligent and rational policy, considering that many experts on sex offenders, psychologists and psychiatrists say that there is no cure for this type of criminal, then for Brazilians adopt an equal policy, would be a very human attitude Brazilian politicians, exactly care for all the innocent of this country, however, this news leads us to believe that events of this kind are frequent and there are numerous victims of foreign foreign sex offenders in Brazil are crimes daily.


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